"Dan siapkanlah kekuatan untuk menghadapi mereka menurut kesanggupan kamu, dan pasukan berkuda diperbatasan, untuk menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuh kamu, dan yang lain disamping mereka yang tidak kamu ketahui, (tetapi) Allah mengetahuinya. Dan apa-apa yang kamu nafkahkan di jalan Allah, niscaya akan dibayar cukup kepada kamu, dan kamu tidak dirugikan" Ayat 60 Surah Al-Anfal

Ustaz Hanafi

Perlantikan Marwi TIDAK SAH

Rakaman Penyerahan Mandat Guru Utama antara Pak Ak dengan Md Radzi

Makan Malam Bersama Guru Utama

Khamis, 6 Disember 2007


Silat Pulut

Silat is a type of sport which utilizes agility in attacking and defending one’s self [12]. This means that it is a type of traditional sport that which contends two exponents who are highly skilled in their knowledge of self defense whether with or without weaponry. Such a sport is to allow the identification of the best pesilat (silat exponent) or for performance purposes. Thus, this sport of silat or the traditional sport of the people requires skill and agility both mentally and physically.

This sport is held during leisure time, bertamat silat (finishing of one’s instruction in silat), official events, weddings or feasts which include the consumption of pulut (sticky/glutinous rice) accompanied by gendang bersilat. [13]

Silat pulut
Silat pulut

This sport of silat is frequently associated with the name silat pulut or gayung pulut because each player will receive a gift in the form of a bunga telur with a small lump of pulut. This means among all others, the word Silat in Malay socio-culture is better known as this traditional sport of the people, that is a sport that is able to uphold the ilmu kepahlawanan (values and skills of a warrior or in becoming a warrior) and the Malay art of war in the form of seni rakyat (the people’s art form). Thus, performances of this Silat sport or Silat competitions are accompanied by the rhythm of the pergendangan silat which is now known as the muzik silat baku Malaysia or the silat baku music of Malaysia. [14]

The regard of silat as a performing art or silat pulut follows the portrayal of Silat as a performing art or a sport/game. This meaning of Silat does not touch specifically on Silat educational services or Silat as an ilmu kepahlawanan or Malay art of war. Moreover, at that time Silat had long been disassociated from the palace. Silat did not have the space or the opportunity to develop and advance with the advancements of the defensive system alongside the developments in defensive systems in other countries around the world. This was due to the suppression of martial arts related activities by colonialists, namely the British during their occupation.

Western colonialists like the British introduced western defensive systems by incorporating the police and askar sepoi ( soldiers who were local citizens) to handle the nation’s defence which at that time, was receiving opposition from former Malay fighters. Consequently, silat teachers were very cautious in letting Silat become apparent in the community because the colonialists had interpretations and experience in war against Malay warriors. [15] Thus silat pulut was developed as an avenue for pesilat to practice their skills without giving themselves away. The soft, slow, aesthetic and sometimes comical appearance of silat pulut led the colonialists to believe that it was merely a harmless folk game.

Silat was not seen as an educational institution of the kepahlawanan Melayu that would contribute to the shaping of socio-culture through the traditional gelanggang bangsal education system of silat (teaching of silat in a bangsal (shed or barn) as the gelanggang [place where one learns silat]) as how the infamous religious education in the Malay community through the pondok (hut) institution was. In the traditional Malay community, these two institutions contributed largely in the development of the physical and spiritual or the knowledge of life and the afterlife. The combination of the gelanggang bangsal and pondok institutions had formed an albeit deprived traditional Malay community which is able to defend its self, cultural and religious values from alternating colonialists. The education of the pendekar silat way of life which is balanced in each of the aspects of knowledge, practice and Silat skill can form a perfection of life or person. [16]

Despite it's harmless and satirical appearance, the sport of Silat or silat pulut was an intricate game of steps and techniques that could be devastating when applied in combat. The slow, soft movements of the pesilat represented attacks made by opponents and techniques used to intercept them. This would go on with both pesilat disabling and counter-attacking their opponent with locking, grappling and other techniques.

[edit] Practices

As Silat is a traditional martial art, there are several inherent practices tied to the practice and learning of Silat. These elements are present in Silat education and transcends style and school.

  • Jurus
    • A set of movements, made up of strikes, blocks and maneuvers to teach students how to combine movements, langkah, tapak and to practice them in their strikes, blocks and fighting stances (sikap pasang).
  • Bunga
    • Bunga (flower) or seni is an integral part of Silat. The aesthetic movements teach the student grace, fluidity of movements and in some cases is a hidden form of practice for certain techniques. Despite this, there are, however, certain Silat styles that do not have bunga or seni.
  • Beladiri
    • Beladiri or self-defence is taught by all styles of Silat.
  • Tempur
    • Tempur basically means a battle, duel or fight between two pesilat but it can also be expanded to mean a battle or fight in general, disregarding the number of participants.

[edit] Weapons

Along with the human body, Silat employs the usage of several martial arts weapons. Among the hundreds of styles are dozens of weapons. Listed here are a few examples;

  • Keris: A curvy blade made from folding different types of metal together and then is washed in acid, giving the blade it's distinct look.
  • Pedang/Sundang: A sword, either single or double edged.
  • Parang/Golok: A machete/broadsword, commonly used in daily tasks, especially those involving farming or harvesting.
  • Lembing/Seligi: A spear/javelin made of either wood or bamboo.
  • Kayu/Batang: Stick, staff or rod made of bamboo, steel or wood.
  • Tekpi: Three-pronged knife thought to derive from the trisula (trident)
  • Kerambit: A small claw-like curved blade or dagger worn in the hair. Easily concealed and is known as a woman's weapon.
  • Sabit: A sickle, commonly used in farming, cultivation and harvesting of crops.
  • Tongkat: A walking stick carried by the elderly or travellers.

Demo Pesilat Cekak di Perak

Sekitar Majlis Ijazah

Seni Tari Silat

Menghayati Al-Quran

Penggerak Seni Silat Cekak Hanafi Sandakan

Penggerak Seni Silat Cekak Hanafi Sandakan
Siapa mereka ? Tak usahlah ditanya siapa mereka. Andaikata hajat di hati sudah terpaut datanglah bertandang ke kelas untuk mengenal siapa mereka. Mereka hanyalah manusia biasa tidak punyai apa-apa. Berjuang untuk satu matlamat. Apakah matlamat perjuangan tersebut maka jawapannya ada pada mereka... Hubungilah mereka...

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